Ms. Heard: Teaches kids and beginning skiiers
$100 per lesson
Mr. Glover: Intermidiate to expert skiiers, Waiver is required
$120 per lesson
Gear Rental:
Kids Skis: 6 hours:$50/full day:$80
Kids Snowboard 6 hours:$40/full day:$65
Adult Skis: 6 hours:$60/full day:$96
Adult Snowboards: 6 hours:$70/full day:$100
Notice: Any damaged or lossed gear will cost the customer a $420 fine. More than one piece of equipment damaged will result in your bank account being public for 24 hours
Small slope: good for beginners and young kids
Medium Slope: good for intermidiates and casuals
Steep slope: this slope is made for experts, not recommended for casuals
Vertical slope: Are you trying to get injured? (Waiver, life ensurance, and social security number required)